Keller Williams Realty
Licence #:CT RES.0757088 NY:10401202474 -CT / Associate PartnernaBraaten Real Estate Group
Každá kancelář Keller Williams® je vlastněna a provozována nezávisle

O mně

Accomplished career in residential real estate sales, and property construction and renovation. In-depth experience with market analysis, property valuation, renovation administration, contractor oversight, and financial management. Proven ability to simultaneously prioritize, manage and execute numerous projects, on-time and within established budgets. Demonstrated agility at collaborating with and influencing multiple stakeholders including clients, lenders, escrow companies, attorneys, home inspectors, colleagues, and subcontractors. Characterized as driven, resourceful, persuasive, and possessing high integrity.

Moje údaje
JAZYKY English
TRŽNÍ CENTRUM Keller Williams Realty Ridgefield
Dee Braaten
Associate Partner CT RES.0757088 NY:10401202474
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